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SystemVerilog Tutorial PART II: by Abhiram Rao

SystemVerilog Operators


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  •  System verilog adds the following operators ++ and � increment and decrement operators similar to C

  •  Loop variables can be declared inside a loop. In verilog, the variable has to be declared and  then used within a loop




Operator Type

Operator Symbol

Operation Performed

Arithmetic * Multiply
/ Division
+ Add
- Subtract
% Modulus
+ Unary plus
- Unary minus
Logical ! Logical negation
&& Logical and
|| Logical or
Relational > Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
Equality == Equality
!= inequality
Reduction ~ Bitwise negation
~& nand
| or
~| nor
^ xor
^~ xnor
~^ xnor
Shift >> Right shift
<< Left shift
Concatenation { } Concatenation
Conditional ? conditional


Assignment operator

=, +=, -=,  *= ,  /=,  %=,  &=, |=, ^=,  <<=, >>=, <<<=, >>>=



cond_predicate ? { attribute_instance } expression : expression


+, -, !, ~, &, ~&, |,  ~|,  ^, ~^, ^~


+,-, *, /, %, ==, !=, ===,!==, =?=, !?=, &&, ||, **

<, >, <=, >=, &, |, ^, ~^, ^~, >>, <<, <<<, >>>

Increment, decrement operators

++, --


!, ~, &, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^, ^~


==, !=, &&, ||, &, |, ^, ~^, ^~



Braces ( { } ) are used to show concatenation, as in Verilog. The concatenation is treated as a packed vector of bits. It can be used on the left hand side of an assignment or in an expression. 

logic log1, log2, log3;

{log1, log2, log3} = 3�b111;

{log1, log2, log3} = {1�b1, 1�b1, 1�b1}; // same effect as 3�b111 

SystemVerilog enhances the concatenation operation to allow concatenation of variables of type string. In general, if any of the operands is of type string, the concatenation is treated as a string, and all other arguments are implicitly converted to the string type. String concatenation is not allowed on the left hand side of an assignment, only as an expression.

 string sv = "SystemVerilog";

string s;

s = {sv, " ", "is easy"};

$display ("%s\n", s);        // displays 'SystemVerilog is easy'

s = {s, ", enjoy"};

$display ("%s\n", s);        // displays 'SystemVerilog is easy, enjoy�


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