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Verilog Tutorial: Harsha Perla

Verilog Tutorial

Verilog is a Hardware Description Language( HDL ), introduced in 1985 by Gateway Design Systems. We can use Verilog to the design of ASICs and FPGAs in order to make digital circuits.

Note: This is an incomplete tutorial. We will complete it as soon as possible.


Table of Contents:

  1. Overview of Verilog

  2. Verilog Primitives

  3. User Defined Primitives

  4. Identifiers and Keywords

  5. Verilog Data types

  6. Verilog Operators

  7. Asynchronous counter example: initial and always blocks

  8. begin-end and fork-join

  9. Blocking and non-blocking assignments

  10. if-else statements

  11. Looping statements

  12. Coding styles: Multiplexer examples.

  13. -under  construction-

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Prev. :
Ch:  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


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