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SystemVerilog Tutorial PART 20: by Abhiram Rao

Assertions in SystemVerilog - Part 3


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The following table summarizes some of the operations that can be performed on sequences.









    seq1 ##1 seq2

 seq2 begins on the clock after seq1 completes


    seq1 ##0 seq2

 seq2 begins on the same clock on which seq1 completes

       Ended Detection

seq1 ##1 seq2.ended

 seq2 completes on the clock after seq1 completes,            regardless of when seq2 started.



 Repeat seq1 a minimum of n and maximum of m times.      May result in multiple matching sequences

    First Match Detection


 If seq1 has multiple matches, use the first and ignore the     rest


    seq1 or seq2

 Compound sequence that matches when either seq1 or seq2 matches


    seq1 and seq2

 Matches when one sequence matches on or after the other sequence also matches

   Length-matching And

    seq1 intersect seq2

 Matches on cycles at which both seq1 and seq2 match

    Condition Qualification

    cond throughout seq

 cond is true for every cycle of seq


    seq1 within seq2

 seq1 starts on or after seq2 and ends on or before the end of seq2


Declaring sequences

A sequence can be declared in

  • a module

  • an interface

  • a program

  • a clocking block

  •  a package

  •  a compilation-unit scope

Sequences are declared using the following syntax.:

concurrent_assertion_item_declaration ::=



sequence_declaration ::=

sequence sequence_identifier [ ( [ list_of_formals ] ) ] ;

{ assertion_variable_declaration }

sequence_expr ;

endsequence [ : sequence_identifier ]

sequence_instance ::=

ps_sequence_identifier [ ( [ actual_arg_list ] ) ]

actual_arg_list ::=

actual_arg_expr { , actual_arg_expr }

. formal_identifier ( actual_arg_expr ) { , . formal_identifier ( actual_arg_expr ) }

actual_arg_expr ::=


 data_type list_of_variable_identifiers ;


The clocking_event specifies the clock for the sequence. A sequence is declared with optional formal arguments. When a sequence is instantiated, actual arguments can be passed to the sequence. The sequence gets expanded with the actual arguments by replacing the formal arguments with the actual arguments. Semantic checks are performed to ensure that the expanded sequence with the actual arguments is legal.

An actual argument can replace an:

� identifier

� expression

� event control expression

� upper range as $

Note that variables used in a sequence that are not formal arguments to the sequence are resolved according to the scoping rules from the scope in which the sequence is declared.

sequence s1;

         @(posedge clk) a ##1 b ##1 c;


sequence s2;

         @(posedge clk) d ##1 e ##1 f;


sequence s3;

        @(negedge clk) g ##1 h ##1 i;


In this example, sequences s1 and s2 are evaluated on successive posedge events of clk. The sequence s3 is evaluated on successive negedge events of clk.

Another example of sequence declaration, which includes arguments is shown below:

sequence s20_1(data,en);

       (!frame && (data==data_bus)) ##1 (c_be[0:3] == en);


Sequence s20_1 does not specify a clock. In this case, a clock would be inherited from some external source, such as a property or an assert statement. A sequence can be referred to by its name. A hierarchical name can be used, consistent with the SystemVerilog naming conventions. A sequence can be referenced in a property, an assert statement, or a cover statement.


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